Superhot pc review
Superhot pc review

superhot pc review superhot pc review superhot pc review

It's all standard FPS stuff - but because of the Max Payne-ish "bullet time" mechanic, never, ever, has a first-person shooter made me feel more like an action movie star. Or grab the baseball bat that's handily propped against a wall. Or pick up a briefcase or spanner and throw that at him. If there's no gun nearby, punch one of the bad guys in the face and take his. Grab the nearest handgun, machine-gun or shotgun and shoot. It looks like an even-more-stylised Mirror's Edge, and there's one of these meta-narratives they have nowadays, but at its heart, this is a game where you're dropped into subways, offices, and alleyways, and have to take out the bad guys. Superhot is beautifully simple a first-person shoot 'em up, where time only moves when you do. And when I'm not playing Superhot, all I want to do is play Superhot, and if I can't play Superhot, all I want to do is talk about Superhot. As I have done every moment since I started playing Superhot. The reason? I could only think about one thing, and that thing was this thing: Superhot. I ended up throwing it across the bathroom. I tried to read an article about Vikings, but it wasn't going in. These days, it's about the only time I can switch off enough to read. A chance to de-stress, and come out feeling a couple of pounds lighter, both physically and psychologically. I have done this all my life. Through good times and bad. I'm not quite that bad, but I still like to take my time. If you'll excuse the phrase, it runs in the family my grandad used to take a paper in with him, and do the crossword. Even you, madam.Īs usual, I took a magazine in there with me (specifically, an issue of How It Works, if you must know).

Superhot pc review